Technical Support

Welcome to the technical support site. In this zone you will find access to the latest software, documentation, tutorial videos and FAQs.
Our dedicated, UK based support team pride themselves on offering product support that is second to none and because all our software is developed in the UK, if a support operator does not have an answer, the software developers are only a short walk away!
How Can We Help?
The Broadcast Radio Forum is provided for both users of our Products to obtain technical support as well as discuss their operation with other users. As a public forum, it's also a useful place for people thinking about investing in our products to find out what other users think
The FAQ and announcements sections are open to all, but to read the other areas you will need to use the "Register" link in the top right corner of the Forum's webpage.
Before contacting Broadcast Radio, always check the FAQ section of the Forum as the answer may already be there!
We use a custom designed Support Management system used to track ALL support requests that automatically logs all phone calls and support emails and the engineers then add notes about each request. Please try to have your P-SQUID (your Broadcast Radio Account reference) to hand when you get in touch with us. It helps if you can include your P-SQUID in any emails as well - i.e. "My P-SQUID is BOBRADIO"
For product support, please contact us with a description of your problem, the software product and version number and any error messages that you have received. Alternatively you can call us on (+44) (0)1482 350700. You should familiarise yourself with our Technical Support Policy.
Technical Support Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 5:00pm UK time. Closed UK national holidays. We do offer an out of hours support line - details are on the above number.
E-mail problems/questions to:
In most cases, you will be able to obtain a license code automatically from our online license servers. The license wizard built into each of our products offer the option to automatically download a license code. If the PC has internet access then you should choose this option as your license will be updated automatically and you will be ready to use the software in seconds.
If you do not have internet access or the license the automatically process has not been successful then you can manually obtain a license activation code by selecting the 'License by telephone' option on the License wizard and then either telephone Broadcast Radio (+44 (0)1482 350700) or emailing . Alternatively you can manually generate your own license using our Product Portal at
In all cases you will need:
- Your unique Account ID (PSQUID)
- The License Name for the software you are licesning.
- Your name and email address registered with us when you purchased your software.
- The Activation Code generated by the license wizard when you selected the 'License by telephone' option.
Once we have these details, we will be able to generate a final license code that will need to be entered back into the licensing wizard to complete the license process.
Need a bit more help?
The tutorial video below covers installing and configuring Myriad, including licensing. The licensing section starts about 4:30 into the video.
Often, the quickest way for our support team to fully understand your technical support query and provide a solution is to physically view and control your system remotely. We offer this service using two different technologies which are listed below. For the majority of customer, Team Viewer offers the best solution but the support engineer will direct you to the technology best suited to your particular situation.
Team ViewerWhen you click this link, it will ask you to run or save a file. Click Run and after it loads it will ask you which engineer you want to automatically connect to and lets them control your desktop. This connection is not permanent, and no changes are made to your computer. Once the remote session has ended the software will automatically close. |
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Reverse VNCWhen you click this link, it will ask you to run or save a file. Click Run and after it loads it will ask you which engineer you want to automatically connect to and lets them control your desktop.
This connection is not permanent, and no changes are made to your computer. Once the remote session has ended the software will automatically close. |
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Service and support is exceptional. Friendly teams that provide answers and resolutions efficiently.
Paul Bruton, Transmission Supervisor, BFBS
Remote Control Support
Need remote assistance? Our support team can remotely control your system, diagnose the fault and in most cases fix the issue there and then.